WAI Land of Enchantment Chapter is dedicated to providing scholarships to our members in order to help them achieve the aviation and aerospace careers they have always dreamed about.
In addition to scholarships awarded by Women In Aviation International (WAI) headquarters, these scholarships are awarded by the WAI Land of Enchantment chapter annually and are only available to WAI Land of Enchantment members. You must either be a resident of New Mexico, or complete your aviation/aerospace related training in the state of New Mexico.
We will be accepting 2023 scholarship applications from September 16th - 30th. The deadline to submit applications is September 30th at midnight (Mountain Time). Awardees will be announced in October.
Please submit your applications to info@wainewmexico.com
Not a member?
Scholarship Application Requirements
Scholarships may be applied for online by downloading the scholarship application and emailing all of the required documents to info@wainewmexico.com. Please submit your application only when you have all of the necessary files ready. Files must be less than 5 MB. Allowed file types include: .txt .doc. .docx. .pdf. Once your application has been submitted, changes cannot be made to your application.
two (one-page) recommendation letters
typed, descriptive, 500-word essay
professional résumé (no more than two pages)
flight scholarships must include copies of all aviation and medical certificates and the last three pages of your pilot logbook (as applicable)
other applicable information as requested
Descriptive essay should address the following:
name and contact information
interest in a career in aviation or aerospace
establish financial need
how the scholarship will help you achieve your objective
if the scholarship is for flight training, where you would obtain the training and the hourly rate for the instructor, aircraft, and simulators, or other costs
other applicable information as requested
Résumé should address the following:
name, address, telephone number, email address
work history including aviation field (as applicable)
previous education
aviation training or ratings
educational scholarships, awards, and honors
extra-curricular activities
demonstrated involvement in aviation related activities
do not exceed two pages
do not include a photo
Scholarship FAQs
Do I have to be a current member of WAI Land of Enchantment Chapter to receive a scholarship?
Yes, your WAI membership status must be active, and you must be affiliated with the Land of Enchantment Chapter to qualify.
I’m a guy – can I apply for a scholarship?
Yes, men can apply for scholarships as long as they meet the scholarship application criteria.
Are you strict about the application deadline?
Yes. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.
I can’t get my essay below 1,500 words. Do you really expect me to say everything in 500 words?
This is where having someone you respect review your essay comes in. Good editing will allow you to get your point across in 500 words. Also, your essay is one part of the overall package—have your letters of recommendation give part of your story, the essay another part, and your résumé the final part.
What should be in the letters of recommendation?
Your letters of recommendation should highlight something significant that you want the scholarship sponsors to know. For example, you may opt to have a letter tell about how you are working multiple jobs to be able to take flight lessons or go to college.
Can my letters of recommendation be from family members?
The best ones are written by someone who has known you for over a year, has regular contact with you, and who supports your advancement in aviation or aerospace.
To whom should the letters of recommendations be addressed to?
Letters should be addressed to WAI Land of Enchantment Scholarship Committee.
Should I include photos of myself in the application?
Please do not include photos.
2023 Scholarships
Cassandra Hurd
Congratulations to Cassandra for being one of our Fall 2023 scholarship recipients. Cassandra was working as an Air Traffic Controller, but had a strange feeling that there was something else out there for her. She decided to follow her gut and is enrolled in an MS program at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University for Unmanned Systems with a specialization in Space Operations and graduates in Summer of 2024.
Cassandra said, “The WAI LOE scholarship has helped me to pause, take a breath, and enjoy this past semester without fretting over the financial burden of my career change. I'm incredibly excited for the opportunity, and hope that it provides me with further opportunities to serve my country, follow my passions, and continue to call Albuquerque my home.”
Allyn Chavez
Congratulations to Ally for being one of our Fall 2023 scholarship recipients. Ally currently works at Atlantic Aviation in El Paso, and has looked to the sky with a dream of flight since she was a little girl. Ally is currently pursuing her private pilots license and plans to use this scholarship to pursue her instrument rating.
Ally said, “I will go on to work towards my instrument rating. The scholarship will help advance my training and continue to work towards my career goals. I am grateful for the Land of Enchantment Chapter, for providing the opportunity to learn, and for being a part of an organization that is looking to help all aviators no matter their goals.”
2022 Scholarships
Charlotte Kaminski
Congratulations to Charlotte Kaminksi for being of our 2022 Summer Scholarship recipients. Charlotte has three flights in a Cessna 172 and wants to be an airline pilot. Charlotte worked for neighbors doing random jobs and saved money to pay for her first lesson. Charlotte plans to use these flight hours to apply towards her private pilot license when she is old enough.
Maria Vianco
Congratulations to Maria Vianco for being one of our 2022 Summer Scholarship recipients. Maria recently graduated with her Associates in Aviation Maintenance Technology from CNM (Central New Mexico Community College) and completed her FAA A&P certification. This scholarship will help Maria continue her flight training at Bode Aviation towards her private pilot’s license and further her goal of achieving an Instrument rating.
Daisy Belmares-Ortega
Congratulations to Daisy Belmares-Ortega for being one of our 2022 Summer Scholarship recipients!!! Daisy is majoring in Mechanical Engineering and her educational goal is to complete a Ph.D. in Engineering or Mathematics, and to become a licensed private pilot. Daisy will use this scholarship to complete flight training at Bode Aviation. Daisy plans to earn her private pilot's license in 2023 and continue exploring her career interest in aviation.
2021 scholarships
Sara Barr
Sara is working towards her private pilots license and was awarded a $1,000 scholarship in advancement of that goal. She was awarded the scholarship by Nyika Allen, Director of Aviation for Albuquerque International Sunport. Scholarships are made possible by sponsorships like that of the Albuquerque International Sunport. Congratulations Sara!
Maria Vianco
Maria is working towards her private pilots license and was awarded a $1,000 scholarship in advancement of that goal. She was awarded the scholarship by Jason Lazich, Director of Infrastructure and Ground Services at Virgin Galactic. Scholarships are made possible by sponsorships like that of Virgin Galactic. Congratulations Maria!
Scholarships are made possible by our corporate sponsors